Fat Injection
Patients who have excess fat tissue in the cheek area and complain that their face is too round are suitable candidates for this surgery.
Before Surgery
Detailed medical information about the person is obtained. Medications and additional diseases are questioned. The person's expectations and complaints about his/her face are listened to. What can be done to the person's face and what kind of image will be obtained are discussed together. Patient examination is performed. Appropriate photography is done.
is performed through an incision on the inner cheek. Part of the fat pad in the cheek is removed. It is applied bilaterally and the amount of fat in the middle cheek area is reduced.
After Surgery
In the postoperative period, the cheek area is edematous. There may be bruising. Regular cold application is recommended. Since there will be an incision in the mouth, liquid nutrition and attention to oral hygiene are recommended for the first few days. No external dressing or bandage is applied.
Since there will be swelling on the face after the surgery, it takes about 3-6 months for the effect of the surgery to be visible. Cheekbones will be more prominent and cheeks appear thinner. Since not all of the fat tissue in the cheek is removed, the face does not collapse even if there is weight loss in the following years.