Lip Filler
What is Lip Filler?
It is the procedure of increasing lip volume with hyaluronic acid fillers. It is a personalized treatment and the amount of filling to be made, permanence and the area to be made are determined according to the joint decision of the doctor and the patient. Lips should never be evaluated alone. The corners of the mouth, the smoker lines on the lips, the amount of moisture in the mucous membrane of the lips, the nasolabial grooves and the marionette grooves should all be evaluated together. In addition to lip volumization according to the needs of the person, additional interventions may be required. The filler to be applied can be selected according to its permanence.
What is Done Before the Procedure?
Detailed medical history, patient examination, patient expectations, information about the procedure, pre-procedure photography are performed.
How is it Implemented?
Topical (superficial) anesthetics are applied 15-20 minutes before the procedure. The dose required for the lips is applied by microinjection method. Generally fillers contain local anesthetic substances. They prevent pain during and after the application phase. The procedure takes about 10-20 minutes.
What should be Considered After the Procedure?
Swelling, redness and bruising may be seen on the lips after the application. In the early period, cold application is applied in our clinic. It is more appropriate to eat and drink 1-2 hours after the procedure. The net result settles after about 1 week-10 days. This procedure can be repeated according to need.